Saturday, December 15, 2012

The secret of life.

Everybody runs behind something in life. Some people run behind fame. Some people run behind money. Some think that success is their destination. Once they achieve this, time halts. They're lost. They don't know what to run behind anymore. Their pursuit ends here and the only feeling they are left with, is emptiness.

So why do they run behind it in the first place? There is only one secret to life. And that is, Happiness. Everybody wants to be happy, but they are not conscious of how difficult it is to achieve this emotion. "Happiness is a state of being which is achieved when our pursuit reaches its destination". Wrong! Happiness is a state of being which can be achieved right here, right now. It is all about controlling your mind. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No. Achievable? Definitely!

Happiness is an emotion that not only relaxes your mind, relieves you off stress but also gives you the power to move on and conquer the world! Happiness is strong and powerful. That's the only feeling in the world we live for. Ask an old man how he is feeling? Provided he has had a decent life, he'd reply: Happy and Satisfied. He feels satisfied because he has seen all that there is to see, in life. And he's happy that he had the opportunity to do so.

Happiness stems from the tiniest of things. The first raindrop makes me happy. Icecream in winter makes me happy. Hot degree coffee in the morning makes me happy. Any small tiny thing in the world can make you happy. All you have to do is allow for it to happen.

Beneath different colours or thickness of skin, we're all the same person. Stop resisting and start allowing. There is so much around us that wants to speak to us. We disregard all of it as unimportant and move on grumpily.

Do you not like a certain colour or a flavour of ice-cream? Why? Allow yellow or butterscotch to be a part of your life. What's wrong with either of them? Why can't they be a part of your life too? Why do you differentiate them from the rest of the colours or flavours? Its uncalled for! Also, your face looks ridiculous with that expression of disgust.

Let go of all  your inhibitions. Let go of all  your prejudices. Let go of all your resistance. Allow nature, music, art, creativity to enthrall you. Just give them a chance! You never know what will click. All the laughter clubs that you see start off with a round of fake laughter. Once the other person sees how hilarious it is to laugh fake, then starts the rounds of real joyful laughter! You control you mind to your needs. Make it do what you want it to do. Feel what you want to feel. Its your mind, you CAN control it.

Nobody truly wants 4 cars, 3 bungalows and 8 drivers. Nobody truly wants 5 grad certificates or 7 degrees. All people want, is Happiness. And directly or indirectly, that is what everybody pursues.

Happiness is the secret to well-being. It is the secret of life.