Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Your mind always has an insatiable hunger for interesting information. It could be scientific facts or workplace gossip. The key emphasis of the sentence was the word 'insatiable'. Some saints once said - Curiosity kills. Your mind desperately seeks answers to a lot of questions, but you feel like you can't find any. You try running in different directions hoping to find a meaningful path somewhere. But what are you left with? Nothing! Infact if you're pretty unlucky, you might just end up with more questions. Let's check your BP - 150/100 - Phew!

Ok how did we come here? Where did we begin? You might have pretty much lost track of the path - what brought you here is the force that drives it all - curiosity. If you weren't curious, you wouldn't be moving at all. Your movement might be forward or sideways, but you're moving nonetheless. Sometimes, the same saints also say - Ignorance is bliss! The only instance where that sentence might be true is when curiosity has no effect on you. Let's check your BP - 120/80 - the doctors would probably agree too!

It's a little complicated. To understand what I've been saying, you need to be either one of the following:
  • cursed with too much intelligence or 
  • bored out of your wits! 
Anyway, I have realized that curiosity is visible in all walks of life. You can be curious about information, about material goods and funnily also about people. Sometimes when you observe a couple of people, you tend to learn about how they behave in different situations. You try and discover their personality and make a lot of assumptions in the process. The very reason why you are in this pursuit is because you don't have the answers. If you did - they'd just be normal people. There wouldn't be anything about them that interests you - and to put it simply, you wouldn't care two hoots about them! 

The only inference I can make from all this is that - we love the chase! We love seeking answers even if it drives us crazy. We love running behind things or people hoping everyday that we would learn something new. With every new ounce of information, we build our knowledge wall ... but the architect in your mind never tells you its limiting height. This hunger to learn is insatiable

What makes you stop then? Let's assume you do stop at some point - does that mean you're no longer interested? Have you got all the answers you needed? Or is it pointless to probe further because you aren't going to achieve anything meaningful? As I said, it's complicated. My BP is at 150/100 again - the doctor isn't going to be happy!

If you're reading this - you've reached a point where you have more questions than you did when you began reading this post. I never told you I was going to give you the answers either. We are all thinkers. We are all curious. We may not be obsessive and compulsive - but then again, that's a choice you'd have to make. So what do you do when you get obsessively curious? The only solution is to let go ... but ... How?

This is a weakness of the human mind. It can be easily tricked if it goes to the point of curiosity - it has reached a vulnerable state. Anything you say or do in this state will penetrate easily. This is true even for the most guarded people. But can we really use this to our benefit? Or should we? Hmm.... I think not!

Rather, let's follow 2 simple principles to keep the curiosity alive:

1. Never tell people everything you know.
