Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Where do you want to go?

I wanted to name this post "Who are you?", but then I realised that I already wrote that here. When I went back to read what I wrote, I realised that I wrote about the constantly evolving self. Who you are today, may not be who you are tomorrow, and that may not be who you are the following day.

In principle this seems logical and easy to comprehend. But how do you transition from Today's You to Tomorrow's You?

I guess the first part of this transition is being aware of who you are today and the understanding that who you will be tomorrow may differ. If you are very satisfied with who you are today, there needn't be a different you tomorrow. The crux of the matter is being very aware of Today's You in the truest sense. Why I stress upon this, is because perceptions may mislead. Yours, included.

So let's assume that you now know where you are. Next would be for you to know where you want to go?

Got that? Superb !

Now, how do you get there? :-)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Tea with two sugars, please...

I sip my tea with my bread,
Royally like everyone around me
I know a slurp would raise eyebrows
I don't need anyone to remind me

And into this orderliness, you entered
With your ragged hair and torn shirt
Why did you dress the way you did, I wondered
No one could see beyond your dirt

The guards were quick to surround you so
Nobody in their right mind would let you in, you know
But there you stood tall almost like a prince
Your rags made everyone in the room wince


An old lady took you by the hand and sat you down for tea
"Two Earl Greys", she said and hoped you didn't mind
Warm and loving was this old lady to you
You weren't sure how you'd repay her in kind

"Tell me your story", she said sipping her tea
"I'm sure you have one, why else would you be here?"
"I have few questions of my own, madam", you said
She laughed heartily and said, "of course, dear"

"Why did you sit me down for tea?
Everyone here says that i'm not meant to be"
"Oh I know who are you, dear. Your clothes don't fool me
I may be old, but you can't deceive my eyes, you see"


"Your clothes are ragged, your hair is a birds nest,
But all of that exterior doesn't really matter
Your eyes speak a story of a pauper or a prince
Everyone here may like to believe that you're the latter"

"You have a story to say, it's on the brink of your lips
It's the shadow that follows you all day long
Untrained eyes just see you for your exteriors
Your shadow remains an unsung song"

"For years, I've seen people sip their tea without slurping
It's most cruel to hide your natural burping
Tell me your story, your shadow, your song
Anywhere in this world dear, you will always belong."