Saturday, October 2, 2010

The pleasure of the Weekend

After an array of long senseless dreams, your body clock is tuned to get up to the same time every morning. But today is different. You wake up, see the time and are RELIEVED that you can go back to bed again. Its a Saturdaaaaaaaay ! No college, no work, no 4 lane traffic, no abuses to motorists on the road, no long walks to class from the parking, no weird looks when you walk in late to class, no answer-sheet distributions. Just the sheer pleasure of pulling your sheets over your head and returning to the land of the senseless dreams.

Wake up hours later (after completing the 12 hour requirement) to a cup of good hot coffee. Read the supplements, comics, movie reviews unhurriedly ! Watch some television in the morning, catch up on shows that you've missed. No work planned for the morning :) Such a calming feeling !

Unfortunately this lasts only for a day. Sunday evening is interspersed with the monday morning blues following which is another interesting yet exhausting week !

Enjoy it while it lasts :)

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