Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nothing's permanent except Change

Nobody likes change initially. It is one of the toughest things to adjust to. Especially when it creates a distance divide.

Earlier in school, friends moved to different places because their Dads had job transfers. Then came a big shuffling and random allotment of classes for students - dissolving groups of friends who've been together for over 9 years. We survived that.

Another full-stop. School ended. Nobody knew where to go, what to do. And a few months following the results, there was another separation. Friends went to universities far and wide. Nevertheless, there was a good number that stayed back for colleges in the city. We all may not be in the same colleges, but the city factor kept us together. We're surviving that.

College will end soon. For some, it already has. People are moving again seeking jobs or a post-graduation course. More people moving out. We will survive that (hopefully).

Change is a definite part of our lives and the sooner we accept it, the easier it is to deal with it. Sometimes, voluntarily choosing a life in a different city/country is for the best - gives you a break from the monotony. Sometimes, people stick to their hometowns - quite satisfied with their lives there.

The uncertainty of change is quite interesting, though. Like a challenge you can't hide from. Once you're past that and settled in your new life, there'll be a new change round-the-corner.

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