Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mind vs. Heart

"My heart says do it. My mind says don't". There has been an eternal battle between what we perceive to be our minds and our hearts. When you can pit two things against each other in simple terms, it makes life easy. Good vs. Bad. Right vs. Wrong. Mind vs. Heart.

We've all heard two different voices in our heads. One that is practical and logical - the Mind. And one that is emotional and impulsive - the Heart. Usually we segregate the creative people from the analytical people. But these two traits are present in all of us. Be it - abstract creativity or logical reasoning - they are both just perspectives. Two sides of a coin. Two sides of a human being.

These two sides are marked by a very thin yet strong line called emotion. Lesser the emotional quotient, higher is the ability to think practically. But if you live with zero emotion, it wouldn't be long until you realize that you've learnt all that you had to. And that's when life becomes monotonous.

The Mind. Most of the time it wants you to tread paths that have already been taken. It makes decisions taking into account your past experiences and ensures that there's a safety net for your future ones. Indirectly it ensures that the path forward does not make you visit/revisit any unpleasant emotions. The mind also makes you feel that emotions are a waste of time. It is purely mathematical and makes decisions with probability and statistics. The mind is organised, structured and methodical.

The Heart. It allows you to appreciate emotion. It makes you feel that nothing can ever be more powerful than emotion. It makes you prioritize your relationships against materialistic entities. It makes you care! The heart does not believe in learning from the past or preparing for the future. It believes in living for the moment. And living it, king-size! The heart is impulsive, sensitive and true.

Most often you might not be able to view situations from both perspectives. One will definitely dominate the other. But when both perspectives are quite strong - that's when the battle begins. What do you do then? Do you listen to the mind or the heart? And who makes this decision - the mind or the heart? Its a vicious circle.

Appreciation. Its quite a difficult quality to inculcate. Frankly, I don't think appreciation can be taught. Everything around us awaits our appreciation. Nature, music, people, the list goes on. The ability to appreciate is from the heart. But what will the mind say? - It's a waste of time.

Philosophy is another tricky subject. If you are open to different views and believe in abstract thinking, you'd appreciate philosophy. Your mind will say - Why bother trying to understand something when its impossible to arrive at a conclusion?

Its a devil vs. devil fight! Feel what your heart wants you to feel. Do what your mind tells you to do. Listen to them both, and you'll survive. I'd advise listening to your heart a little more because there is no fun otherwise.

Book a ticket, fly on a plane, grab a parachute and jump out! If you're alive, your mind will tell you that you were an idiot. Your heart will say - it was worth it! :) 


  1. I really like the line "The heart is impulsive, sensitive, and TRUE. "

    To sum it up, the battle of Life is won when we know how to achieve a balance b/w the Mind and the Heart.

    Balance is the key.
    That's the highest philosophy.

  2. See that's what we're trained to believe. "If you have two resources, make the best use of them. Learn to balance it out. Don't let one go waste" - its all textbook preaching.

    Which path takes you closer towards your goal? Choose that.

    The highest philosophy, my friend, is to determine that goal :)
