Saturday, January 26, 2013

10 things about the 5 steps to make 3 points in 1 story.

That is probably my longest post title yet. But its easy to read. Why? - its because you find a lot of numbers in it.

Our brain processes words better if they are in the form of lists or points. It helps us remember what we read. Readers get a sense of accomplishment if they remember what they read - else it feels like a futile exercise.

You have a staircase in front of you. Right beside it, is an ascending slope. Both begin at point A and end at point B. If you want to enjoy and appreciate the journey, rather than the destination, you would choose the staircase. You know beforehand how many steps it would take to reach point B and at every instant, you are aware of which step you are on.

Let me give you 5 ways to understand what I just said:
1. Your brain understand crisp points better than long sentences.
2. If you remember what you read, you appreciate the reading process.
3. A good read is a well-written flight of stairs.
4. My three paragraphs are in the three crisp points above. You now remember the flow of my story.
5. You know I'm going to conclude here because you are aware I said "5 points" in the beginning.

Ofcourse, such lists are easy to remember only if the number of points are < than the number of fingers you've got! Its the best way to summarise and emphasise the important messages in your story. Also remember that people are afraid of long sentences - they fear that it would put them to sleep! And more often than not, it doesZzzz...

So basically I'm saying - Bullet, number or star your short and crisp messages because...

Packaging is as important as content!

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