Saturday, June 4, 2016

Well, here's a funny story...

Will Rogers once said that, "Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else". How true, right?

So there was once this rabbit going about its rabbit-y things. This rabbit was considered a good rabbit by its pack - she earned her carrots, she lived a respectable life, all others rabbits liked having her around. Our little rabbit was a little bit of a superstar. Let's call her Rina.

One day Rina, our rabbit, was on her way to earn her carrots. It was yet another normal day for Rina. She had to do some hard work and earn some carrots - as simple as that. While she worked hard, she noticed that another rabbit wasn't able to earn her carrots the way Rina did. This new rabbit was upsetting a few people around and wasn't quite self-aware of her actions. As all stories go, we now have a problem. New Rabbit is a villain. Rina is our hero. And I've promised you a story. You are already predicting how this goes, aren't you?

So Rina approaches this new rabbit and tells her what she is doing wrong. New Rabbit is completely appalled since she has not heard such words from anyone else. New Rabbit is confident that her way of work will earn her carrots too. "Sure, but how many?" Rina asks. Rina goes on to share how she earns her carrots and how it works so well for her in the pack. New Rabbit should learn something from her, Rina suggests.

Picture Courtesy: Google Plus
Rina goes on to talk about why others are getting upset by the New Rabbit but after a long chat, the New Rabbit gets upset. She doesn't want to be a part of the pack. Neither does she want any more carrots. She just wants to go home. New Rabbits gathers a handful of her friends and shares her experiences. Handful of friends support the New Rabbit; now why wouldn't they? Who likes to see a young rabbit cry?

Handful of friends are now torn between Rina and New Rabbit. Was Rina right to intervene when the New Rabbit was upsetting people. Did New Rabbit deserve a dose of harsh truth from Rina when she may not have been ready? Who was right? Who was wrong?

Let's look at this from one perspective alone. Rina's.

Why did Rina have to go and talk to the New Rabbit? Rina was earning her carrots by working hard. New Rabbit was finding its feet in the pack and earning carrots too. New Rabbit's work will not earn Rina any carrots. So why did Rina want to try and change the New Rabbit?

Why did Rina want the New Rabbit to be more like Rina? Why can't the New Rabbit just be herself? Was Rina worried about the upset people? Even so, how did she assume that the New Rabbit would behave different by her intervention?

There are a lot of questions in this story, but very few answers. Well actually that is not true. The answer lies in a few paragraphs above this - "...This new rabbit was upsetting a few people around and wasn't quite self-aware of her actions...". Rina did notice that people in her pack were getting upset. However, Rina did not notice that the New Rabbit was self-unaware of her actions. And that has made all the difference.

New Rabbit wasn't a bad rabbit. She isn't the villain in our story. Does that make Rina our villain? Wasn't she our superstar?

If only Rina had been actively present in the moment to absorb all information, she could have made the world of a difference. By merely presenting to the New Rabbit the perceptions that the New Rabbit was unaware of, there might have been noticeable changes. People would have been less upset. Rina goes back to saving the day. People of the pack are happy, New Rabbit is happy, Rina is happy and the sun sets gloriously in the background to some soothing music.

But wait, we don't have that happy ending in our story, do we? What do we have? Two funny rabbits who are more interested in changing each other rather than earning carrots. Well, controversies make for interesting stories, as well!

Cheers :-)

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