Saturday, July 18, 2015


How many Friends do you have? 20, 10?

Have you ever paid attention to the types of friends that you have? What if I tell you that you are only comfortable with 2 (or maximum 3) types of people? Well, its true.

Think of your closest friends whom you spend maximum time with, or your 'inner circle' as you'd like to call it. Think about what makes you like them, which quality of theirs you find endearing, why do you like spending time with them... Take a moment here and think!


You might realize that there are mainly two types of people we hang out with:

  1. Those who make us feel happy.
  2. Those whom we aspire to be like some day.
The first category pretty much speaks for itself. Their company is enjoyable, your conversations are enriching and you both laugh together!

The second category might seem a little 'strong' for some of you. I'm not talking role models here. But some people possess traits that we subconsciously want to exhibit (but aren't doing so, for some inexplicable reason). Only in this category I can relate to the age old phrase: "Opposites attract".


Let me give you a self-example. 

I am a tad bit on the lazy side. Hence, I quite enjoy the company of diligent people. I'm always in awe of how they meticulously get things done. Most of them are structured and disciplined people, and somewhere deep down I believe that 'life would be better that way'.

It is a debatable topic where most of friends say - the grass is greener on the other side. And they talk about wanting to loosen up a bit. But the point is, I realized that if any new person I meet possesses these traits, there seems to be an instant connection. Immediately your mind maps their traits to someone similar in your circle and hey, you are buddies pretty soon!

Have you ever felt this before? How similar are your friends to one another?

What traits do you find most endearing? I'd love to know.

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