Wednesday, July 15, 2015


What is cute, tiny, yellow and bring a big wide smile to your face? A banana.

Now this wonderful yellow banana is also quite appealing to someone else we know. Who? A minion.

Who knew that these side-kicks (who were once planned to be just that) would end up becoming movie stars themselves? They have quite literally taken the animation industry by storm with the latest release of Minions 3D.

The business doesn't quite stop with the movie, there are several merchandise of Minions which are getting quite popular these days! McDonald's has their advertisements screaming all about it !

But why is any of this happening? It is only because of how instantly like-able these little things are. They are tiny, their language is like baby-talk and they go about doing their own thing. They all have normal human names (Kevin, Bob) making them feel like one-of-us. And they are quirky in their own ways: they laugh at the weird noises made by the water cooler.

I was unbelievably excited for the release of the Minions movie, but for some reason it did not release in my city! Terribly disappointing. But recently, I came across a minion who was dressed in the traditional attire of my land. And I fell in love with these characters all over again! A normal Tam-Brahm 'Subramanian' is now Subra-Minion.

Tiny. Cute. Yellow. Bananaaaaaa... !

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